About Me

Hello. I'm Adam.

I'm a Data Science + Cognitive Science student at Berkeley.

I like to read history, make cool projects, and play sports in my free time.

Side Projects

Here are some of the projects I've been working on.

Berkeley Sublet was my first coding project and where I learned all the basics of web design. I thought a big project was the best way to go about learning code + web design, so check that out.

Picture is a platform I've been making to manage my biometric data exactly as I want. The goal is beautiful visualizations and a better understanding of the biometric data recorded from my Garmin and Oura.

  • Berkeley Sublet: A subletting platform for Berkeley.
  • Picture: Integrating biometric data from multiple trackers (Website coming soon).

My Fitness Graph (via Strava)

A fun real-time + interactive data visualization of my workouts over the last 365 days.

Inspiration from the Github contribution's graph.

0 contributions in the last year
Permanent Doodle

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to connect!